Author: Dr. Paul Buehrens, Chief Medical Officer of Vyrty, Corp.

Forbes online interviewed Dr. Stephen Friend, a globally acclaimed serial entrepreneur and biomedical researcher (see link to article at the end) on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and the future in health care.

The interview article focused on how AI can help us healthier, what data are we learning, physiological markers, the role of innovation in healthcare and many others.

First and foremost, I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Friend! We made Sync.MD for the same reason. Imagine a future with each patient the owner and carrier of their own health records, creating a hub around which their providers focus on their needs. This is the core of the doctor patient relationship. And, it is not what most systems are even trying to create today. Such a patient-centered system could become the core of analytics that embrace wearable products that report data on the individual patient directly to the patient, and their trusted network. Such a system could then allow the aggregated data of groups, disease states, and so on to individualize advice to patients using AI.

Future? No. is already a personal health record system that stores the individual’s data encrypted on the cloud in individual entries. The company cannot access that personal data, but we can analyze aggregates, and the data from many folks using wearables can be aggregated using AI tools. So, using this small “d” democratic solution to the problem, we can build the higher analytics from the ground up, rather than from the top down. That is not Big Brother, it’s back to the doctor-patient relationship that the systems are supposed to be supporting, and it cuts across all platforms that today are a maze of feudal fiefdoms.

Let’s make the patient and the doctor the core and hub of the health information systems of the future.

Article link:


Eugene Luskin
[email protected]
(425) 443-7161